Friends, Families, and communities

know about us

Making a Lasting Impact Through
Acts of Service


On May 12, 2002, Mr. Ferris Omatule hosted a thank-you luncheon at his residence to show appreciation for the support of his friends during his wedding the previous week. In his speech, he highlighted their sacrificial efforts in ensuring the event's success and expressed his heartfelt gratitude.
The group consisted of individuals from various tribes and backgrounds. After the luncheon, one of the friends noted the shared values, beliefs, and commitments among the attendees. He proposed transforming the informal gathering into a formal "Committee of Friends" long-term.
This suggestion was met with spontaneous and unanimous approval, leading to the formation of the Noble Committee of Friends. An interim executive committee was appointed to guide the group during its formative stages until substantive executives were elected.
The name "Noble" was chosen to reflect the group's purpose and ideals. The Committee is committed to upholding nobility in conduct and character, particularly as its mission focuses on supporting the less privileged in society.

helping hand
formation of a cooperative society

As part of its mission to support its members, the Noble Committee of Friends established the Noble Committee of Friends Cooperative Society. Members contribute funds in shares, enabling those facing financial challenges to access loans at low-interest rates and under flexible terms.
This initiative helps prevent financial difficulties and ensures members can manage unforeseen challenges without embarrassment. Both the Noble Committee of Friends and the Noble Committee of Friends Cooperative Society are officially registered with the appropriate authorities in Lokoja, Kogi State.

growth and impact

As part of its mission to support its members, the Noble Committee of Friends established the Noble Committee of Friends Cooperative Society. Members contribute funds in shares, enabling those facing financial challenges to access loans at low-interest rates and under flexible terms.
This initiative helps prevent financial difficulties and ensures members can manage unforeseen challenges without embarrassment. Both the Noble Committee of Friends and the Noble Committee of Friends Cooperative Society are officially registered with the appropriate authorities in Lokoja, Kogi State.

Our mission is to uplift lives by creating positive change through service and generosity

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We are committed to reaching out to those in need, giving back to our communities, and building hope where it’s most needed. Through our outreach programs, we aim to support hospitals, schools, and underserved communities, ensuring that our efforts bring meaningful and lasting impact.

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Extending Support to Key Institutions

Provide care and assistance to orphanages, hospitals, schools, prisons, and camps for internally displaced persons, helping to uplift lives in these critical spaces.

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Emergency Relief Efforts

Offer timely support to individuals and communities impacted by disasters and conflicts, aiding their recovery and rebuilding efforts.

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Advocacy for the Underprivileged

Speak up for the rights and needs of the less fortunate, creating awareness and pushing for sustainable solutions to improve their living conditions.

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Promoting Compassionate Engagement

Foster a culture of kindness by encouraging collective action and partnerships to bring meaningful change to society.

Quick Facts About Us

Making an Impact,
One Life at a Time



    Over 5,000 families have been helped through our flood relief and aid programs.



    We`ve provided over 3000 meals through donations and outreach.



    Our efforts have impacted over 15 communities, including hospitals and schools.



    students have received school supplies and scholarships through our programs.

Your donation can help provide essential support to schools, hospitals, and communities in need.

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